Flood alerts and warnings/Map rhybuddion llifogyddThis app shows the locations where current Flood Alerts, Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings are
Flood alerts and warnings/Map rhybuddion llifogydd
This app shows the locations where current Flood Alerts, Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings are in force in Wales and England.
Detailed information for warnings in force is provided in this app, this include flood severity, location and data/time raised.
The Flood Alert data are loaded from www.shoothill.com, the data is updated each time the app is launched/reloaded and can be refreshed at any time using the refresh button.
This app also provides you with advice and information on what to do before, during and after flooding occurs.
Bilingual Welsh and English app.
Natural Resources Wales is a Welsh Government Sponsored Body. Its purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained, enhanced and used, now and in the future
For more information www.naturalresourceswales.gov.uk
Wedi trwsio nam oedd yn achosi i Rybuddion Llifogydd (byddwch yn barod) i orgyffwrdd gyda Rhybuddion Llifogydd